ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Sunday, February 9, 2025


World Environment Day

5 June


World Environment Day


On the eve of WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY - 5th June 2020, ENVIS Resource Partner on Avian Ecology at Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS-ENVIS) is presenting the following poster depicting our country’s rich natural heritage.


In December 2019, it was decided with collaboration of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) that Colombia will host World Environment Day 2020 in partnership with Germany, and it will be focusing on biodiversity. Maintaining the balance within biodiversity is crucial for our planet’s survival. It provides our nature with ecological life support, ecosystems which provide oxygen, water, pollination of flowers and other essential services.


The vivid and bountiful diversity of both flora and fauna, has been bestowed upon us by our planet Earth. Acknowledging the same, each species of bird depicted in this poster has been alphabetically placed in order to match it’s initials with this year’s theme, ‘BIODIVERSITY’.


Thus, on this special eve, our organization aims to reach out to the public and urge them to conserve, protect and respect our Earth’s awe-inspiring and intriguing biodiversity.