ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Sunday, February 9, 2025


Bird Ringing Course


Certificate Course in Bird Ringing and Migration Studies


India, being the second most populous country in the world, is bestowed with a large working population and can take advantage of this demographic dividend. However, high drop-out rates from school, coupled with poor vocational skills, hinder the process of reaping this dividend. Between demand and supply, there exists a gap of skill sets, both cognitive and practical, at various levels in the environment/forest sectors in India.


Green skills are crucial for making a transition from a conventional energy-using and emissions-intensive economy to cleaner and greener production and service patterns. Green skills prepare people for sustainable jobs that contribute to preserving or restoring the quality of the environment, simultaneously improving social equity and enhancing the overall quality of life. Realizing the demand for green-skilled youth, the Green Skill Development Programme (GSDP) was conceptualized and developed by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Government of India.


BNHS-ENVIS Resource Partner on Avian Ecology, established under the Environmental Information System (ENVIS) programme of the MoEFCC in 1996, is organizing a 20-day training programme at Mumbai in Maharashtra, leading to a Certificate Course in Bird Ringing and Bird Migration Study by Bird Ringing.


This technical training course is designed to scientifically introduce participants to the concept of bird migration study techniques. The goal is to provide orientation on different bird monitoring, capturing, handling and marking techniques, along with data compilation and reporting protocols. The focus will also be to gain experience in operating mist nets for land bird capturing, wild bird handling, ringing and morphometric data collection. Introduction to bird migration and migration case studies; flyways and flyway agreements; bird capture techniques; information obtained from different bird marking techniques; recoveries, re-sighting and reporting of banded birds; morphometry and subspecies; disease monitoring techniques and bird ringing exercises are some of the modules that will be covered during this course.


Qualification: Anyone residing in India with a graduate degree and unemployed. Basic bird identification skills are necessary, along with basic understanding of ecology. The candidate must be fluent in reading, writing, and speaking in English. Preference and relaxation in qualification will be given to candidates as per their interest in the subject.


Course Fees: This course is free of cost.


Course duration: 20 days


Training location: Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS), Mumbai


Course training language: English. Study material will be provided in English.


Selection method: Telephonic/face-to-face interview.


Total number of seats available: 15


For details contact us at: Bombay Natural History Society, Hornbill House, Dr. Salim Ali Chowk, Opp. Lion Gate, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Road, Mumbai 400 001, Maharashtra Landline: 022-22821811 Email id: envis@bnhs.org



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Q1) What is the name of this course?

Certificate Course in Bird Ringing and Migration Studies


Q2) Who is conducting this course?

Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) is conducting this course as per the norms of the Green Skill Development Programme under the ENVIS centre of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), New Delhi.


Q3) Who will be the trainers for this course?

BNHS’s experts will conduct this course. Experts from other institutes/organizations will be called for specific sessions, whenever required.


Q4) Is this Government course or a private course of the BNHS?

The course has been developed by the technical team of BNHS and has been approved by the ENVIS, under MoEF&CC, New Delhi.


Q5) Where will this course be conducted?

The training course will be conducted at Mumbai. The venue will be shared with the participants after their selection.


Q6) What is the duration of the course?

This is a 20 days course.


Q7) Who can participate in this course?

Any person who is a graduate and has a basic knowledge of birds and bird identification can participate. The person should be unemployed.


Q8) Can any interested organization or NGO send their representative for this course?

Yes, any organization working in the biodiversity conservation sector can send its representative(s) and/or may also recommend individuals for this course. The organization will need to provide details of such candidate(s) and a contact number. Telephonic/face-to-face interviews will be conducted for such candidates too.


Q9) What is the minimum criteria for applying to this course?

The participants must have completed their graduation and must be unemployed. They must be able to read, write and speak fluently in English. Preference and relaxation in qualification will be given to the candidates as per their interest in the subject.


Q10) What is the procedure for selection of candidates?

Selection of candidates will be on ‘First come first served basis’, followed by face-to-face or telephonic interviews. Interested candidates can apply via the following GSDP link:


[In case of any query kindly contact at: Landline: - 022-22821811; Email id: - envis@bnhs.org]


Q11) What will be selection criteria for the candidate?

The candidate should be able to read, write, and talk fluently in English.


Q12) How many seats are available for this course?

Currently 15 seats are available.


Q13) What is the last date to apply and how will the selection be communicated?

The last date to apply is December 20, 2019; a confirmation mail will be sent to the selected candidate after the telephonic/face-to-face interview.


Q14) What is the course fee and other expenses?

There is no course fee. All other expenses like lodging, boarding, food and local travel of participants during the training period will be borne by the participants themselves.


Q15) Will there be other expenses during the course period (other than what is mentioned above)?

Participants have to manage their accommodation and travel to/in Mumbai, except for the field visits.


Q16) Is this training course supported with practicals?

All the training modules of the course are supported with practical sessions. During the course period, the participants will visit bird ringing sites.


Q17) How many hours of training will the course include per day?

The classroom training will be up to 8 hours per day and field training may extend by one to two hours.


Q18) What type of course material will be provided to the participants?

The course material will be prepared by the technical team of ENVIS-BNHS and will be provided to all the participants along with the registration kit. All course material will be in English.


Q19) What is the participant expected to bring with him/her for the course?

A government photo identity proof like Aadhar / Voter- ID Card, etc. is required. A temporary I-Card will be issued to each participant at the time of registration. Participant will have to submit medical fitness certificate. BNHS will not be responsible for any accidents happening during the course period.


Q20)After confirmation of selection, what will be my travel arrangement?

Once the selection is communicated by the BNHS-ENVIS team, the participant should make his/her own arrangements to reach BNHS, Mumbai.


Q21) Can the candidate leave the course in between or take a holiday during the course work?

There is no option for leave during the course period, except in case of medical emergency or any other unforeseen circumstances. Participation certificates will be issued only to those candidates who complete the course.


Q22) Who is the contact person for this course?

Mr. Nandkishor Dudhe, Programme Officer, ENVIS-BNHS, Bombay Natural History Society, Hornbill House, Dr. Salim Ali Chowk, Opp. Lion Gate, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Road, Mumbai 400 001. Landline: - 022-22821811 Email id: - envis@bnhs.org Website: -www.bnhs.org


Q23) What are main modules of this course?

Introduction to bird migration and migration case studies; flyways and flyway agreements; bird capture techniques; information obtained from different bird marking techniques; recoveries, re-sightings and reporting of banded birds; morphometry and subspecies; disease monitoring techniques; bird ringing exercise.


Q24) What are the job opportunities once I complete this course?

A successful candidate can work for Grid Based Decision Support System (GRIDSS)/ Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS)/ Zoological Survey of India (ZSI)/ Wildlife Sanctuaries/ National Parks/ Protected Areas/ Bird Sanctuaries/ Wetland Sites/ State Biodiversity Boards/ Conservation Education Centre (CEC)/ Nature Information Centre (NIC)/ Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)/ Bird tourism/ Self-employment (Naturalist, Resource Person, etc).


Q25) At the end of the course, what type of certificate will be issued to participants?

Each successful candidate will get a certificate from the ENVIS, MoEF & CC, Government of India.