Upcoming Event

Online drawing competition on "Protection of ozone layer"



Respected Sir/Madam,
On the occasion of ‘World Ozone Day’, The EIACP RP on Avian Ecology at the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS-EIACP) is organizing a drawing competition for students. The theme for Ozone Day 2023 is “Montreal Protocol: fixing the ozone layer and reducing climate change”. Through this competition, we aim to promote the young talent our country holds and spread messages regarding the conservation of our planet.
This contest is open for 5th to 10th standard students through online submission only. Kindly fill up the Google form and submit your drawings under the mentioned standard for participating in this competition.
Topic: "Protection of ozone layer”.
Group A: Classes 5-7
Group B: Classes 8-10
Last date of submission: 20th September 2023
Participants should submit their entry by filling out the google form only. Google link is given below:
1. This competition is open to Indian citizens only. Entry should be submitted using one email ID only.
2. Size of the drawing: A4 size paper only (Landscape or portrait)
3. Colouring medium: Any
4. Digital editing of posters is not permitted. Such entries will be disqualified.
5. A high-resolution scanned copy of the drawing in the format PDF/JPEG to be sent.
6. Winners may be asked to submit the original drawing and proof of date of birth or school ID card if required.
7. Entries with unclear or low-resolution images and incomplete information regarding the participant will be rejected.
Winners will receive an e-certificate and prizes.
Thank you and Regards,
Email: eiacp@bnhs.org