ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India
Printed Date: Sunday, February 9, 2025
What is the EIACP Centre on Avian Ecology?
EIACP Centre on avian ecology is a part of a network of various Environmental Information Systems Centres of the MoEF. The Centre deals with collection, collation and dissemination of information on Indian birds. This information is distributed freely among a wide user group that includes students, researchers, naturalists, conservationists and also the common people.
Is the Centre’s information easily accessible?
All the informative databases of the Centre are available online for free.
What type of information is disseminated by the Centre?
The Centre attends to all types of queries related to birds – identifications, bibliographic literature, write-ups on birds etc. It also publishes BUCEROS newsletter thrice a year that contains articles and latest national and international news on birds.
How does one subscribe for BUCEROS newsletter?
There are no charges for subscribing to BUCEROS. It is a free publication. It is available for free online on the website (See head – Publications). Those who are interested in subscribing for hard copy can send across their complete mailing address to bnhs@envis.nic.in
Is the information provided on any other aspects of the environment?
The Centre deals with information pertaining to Indian birds. However, if approached, it can direct the query to the concerned Centre in its network. You may submit your queries through our website. Just visit Online Query section on the top bar and shoot an online query.
Are softcopies of references in bibliography module available with the Centre for download?
The Centre does not have softcopies of all the references. However, a request for photocopies of references can be sent directly to the Librarian, BNHS (library@bnhs.org)