ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Friday, February 28, 2025


Sálim Ali Bird Count



Sálim Ali Bird Count


12 November 2020


The Bombay Natural History Society, including its Environmental Information System (ENVIS) Resource Partner on Avian Ecology, in association with Bird Count India (birdcount.in), Maharashtra Pakshimitra Sanghatana and Indian Bird Conservation Network (IBCN), is all set to celebrate the birth anniversary of Dr Sálim Ali (12 November) by holding ‘Sálim Ali Bird Count’ from November 5 to 12, 2020. This is a tribute to the “Birdman of India” Dr Sálim Ali (1896–1987), whose contribution towards bird research and conservation in the country remains unparalleled.


The only criterion to participate in the event is an interest in birds. You can observe and record birds in your chosen area, preferably for more than one hour and upload your checklist on IoB (Internet of Birds) or eBird mobile applications (iOS and Android phones). A checklist of bird species is available on both IoB and eBird.


Sálim Ali Bird Count is a Citizen Science initiative, conducted together with different organizations. You can visit your nearest Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA book link:- http://bnhsenvis.nic.in/Database/Important-Bird-And-Biodiversity-Areas-In-India_18738.aspx ) or any site like a water body or a wooded patch and record birds individually or in a group, preferably for over an hour to make the count more meaningful. The minimum count time should be 15 minutes. Counts are generally productive early in the morning; birds tend to become quiet and inactive during the middle of the day. We request the birdwatchers to not restrain themselves to this one-time event, but monitor the chosen area consistently in the coming years.




How to participate


For: - IOB mobile application


Step 1: Download the Internet of Birds (IoB Mobile application) through the following link.


For Android:- https://tinyurl.com/DownloadIOB


For iPhone:-  https://tinyurl.com/IoB



Step 2: Click on ‘contributors’ icon present at the base of this app.


Step 3: Select “Contribute to Common Bird Monitoring Programme (CBMP)” and press OK button.


Step 4: Bird checklist will appear on your screen. Click the “+” options that is present in front of the species names.


Step 5: After entering the total number of every individual bird, click on the “review” button. Cross-check the names of all the species before submitting the checklist.


Step 6:- Once you click on the “submit” button, your mail box will open. Thereafter, fill the required information before sending the email.




For eBird mobile application and website


Stpe 1:- Download the eBird mobile application through the following link. The app available for both google play and App stores.


Link for application:- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=edu.cornell.birds.ebird


Link for website: -   ebird.org/india


How to use eBird: -

Link:- https://support.ebird.org/en/support/solutions/articles/48000957940-enter-sightings-with-ebird-mobile#More-Tips-&-Tricks


For further queries, please contact on cbmp@bnhs.org.