ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Saturday, March 29, 2025

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World Sparrow Day 2025

World Sparrow Day 2025

If there is one bird you remember from your childhood, it is probably the House Sparrow. Since it lives in close proximity to humans, it is the first bird we learn to identify. The House Sparrow was once one of the most abundant and common birds in the world, but it is now facing an inexplicable decline in its population. Modern house construction has made it difficult for House Sparrows to find adequate nesting sites in today's matchbox-shaped houses. These buildings, with glass or aluminum composite exteriors, offer no place for nesting.


Therefore, on the occasion of World Sparrow Day, March 20th, 2025, the Environmental Information, Awareness, Capacity Building, and Livelihood Programme (EIACP), Programme Centre (PC), Resource Partner (RP) on Avian Ecology at the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS-EIACP), is releasing a poster in an effort to bring back sparrows from declining populations. This initiative aims to raise awareness about the challenges sparrows face and encourages individuals to take action in supporting their conservation. Through these efforts, we want to bring people closer to nature and provide spaces for sparrows to thrive again.