ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Sunday, September 8, 2024

Latest News


Infographic Posters for World Environment Day 2024

Poster Number 1


For World Environment Day 2024, the BNHS-EIACP presents an infographic poster on overgrazing.
Theme: Land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience.
 #MissionLiFE #WED2024.
Poster Number 2
Every festival offers people the chance to celebrate in their own unique way. However, after the festivities, the waste they leave behind often pollutes the environment.
 #MissionLiFE #wed2024

PosterNumber 3
For World Environment Day 2024, the BNHS-EIACP presents an infographic poster on Mitigating the Urban Heat Island Effect.

Theme: Land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience.

#MissionLiFE #WED2024.
Poster Number 4
विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस २०२४"
जल ही जीवन है



Poster Number 5


#MissionLiFE #wed2024



Poster Number 6


Revitalize, Restore: Our Earth, Our Responsibility

#MissionLiFE #WED2024



Poster Number 7


Reduce Plastic Usage

#MissionLiFE #WED2024



Poster Number 8


#MissionLiFE #wed2024