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| Last Updated:21/03/2025

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Poster on “Sunbirds and Spiderhunters of India”

Respected Madam/Sir,
The Environmental Information Awareness Capacity Building and Livelihood Programme (EIACP) Programme Centre (PC), Resource Partner (RP) on Avian Ecology at the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS-EIACP) is releasing a poster on “Sunbirds and Spiderhunters of India”.
India has reported thirteen species of sunbirds and two species of spiderhunters. These colourful beauties belong to the family Nectariniidae. The downward-curved bill is a distinguishing feature of this family. The birds depicted in the poster are all males of that species as they are typically known for their brightly coloured and iridescent feathers.  The aim of this poster is to highlight the species of sunbirds and spiderhunters found in India.
Thanks, and regards,