ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Friday, March 28, 2025

Posters Released by BNHS-EIACP


Storks of India

Respected Madam/Sir,
On the occasion of World Sparrow Day, March 20, 2025, the Environmental Information, Awareness, Capacity Building, and Livelihood Programme (EIACP), Programme Centre (PC), Resource Partner (RP) on Avian Ecology at the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS-EIACP) is delighted to announce the release of a special poster titled "Sparrows of India."
This poster highlights seven species of sparrows found across India.
Thanks and regards,
Email: eiacp@bnhs.org

Storks of India

Respected Madam/Sir,
The Environmental Information, Awareness, Capacity Building, and Livelihood Programme (EIACP), Programme Centre (PC), Resource Partner (RP) on Avian Ecology at the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS-EIACP), is pleased to announce the release of a poster titled 'Storks of India'.
This poster highlights eight species of storks found in India which are large, long-legged, and long-necked wading birds with long, stout bills.
Thanks and regards,
Email: eiacp@bnhs.org

Bee-eaters of India

Respected Madam/Sir,
On the occasion of Wildlife Week, October 2nd – 8th, 2024, the Environmental Information, Awareness, Capacity Building, and Livelihood Programme (EIACP), Programme Centre (PC), Resource Partner (RP) on Avian Ecology at the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS-EIACP), is releasing a poster on 'Bee-eaters of India'.
This poster showcases six striking species of Bee-eaters, admired for their vibrant plumage and impressive aerial acrobatics.
Thanks and regards,
Email: eiacp@bnhs.org


Woodpeckers of Maharashtra

Respected Madam/Sir,
On the occasion of Hariyali Saptah, July 1st – 7th, 2024, the Environmental Information, Awareness, Capacity Building, and Livelihood Programme (EIACP), Programme Centre (PC), Resource Partner (RP) on Avian Ecology at the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS-EIACP), is releasing a poster on 'Woodpeckers of Maharashtra'.
This poster features the thirteen woodpecker species inhabiting Maharashtra's forests.
Thanks and Regards,
Email: eiacp@bnhs.org


Ducks, Geese & Swans of Maharashtra - Part 1

Respected Madam/Sir,
On the occasion of “World Migratory Bird Day (11th May, 2024)” the Environmental Information, Awareness, Capacity Building and Livelihood Programme (EIACP) Programme Centre (PC), Resource Partner (RP) on Avian Ecology at the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS-EIACP) is releasing a poster on "Ducks, Geese & Swans of Maharashtra - Part I”.
This poster depicts the fourteen magnificent species of Ducks, Geese, and Swans inhabiting the wetlands found in Maharashtra.
Thanks and Regards,
Email: eiacp@bnhs.org


Poster on “Some Forest Birds in Maharashtra”

Respected Madam/Sir,
On the occasion of "International Day of Forests", the BNHS-EIACP is relesing a poster on "Some Forest Birds in Maharashtra".
Thanks and Regards,
Email: eiacp@bnhs.org


Bulbuls of Maharashtra

Respected Madam/Sir,
To celebrate the birth anniversary of Dr Sálim Ali (12 November) and birthday of Shri Maruti Chitampalli (5 November), the BNHS-EIACP is releasing a poster on "Bulbuls of Maharashtra”.
This poster depicts the eight beautiful species of bulbuls found in Maharashtra.
Thanks & Regards,
Email : eiacp@bnhs.org 
#MissionLiFE #ChooseLiFE


World Migratory Bird Day, 14th October 2023

World Migratory Bird Day addresses a range of challenges faced by long-distance migratory birds each year, including light pollution, plastic pollution, illegal trade, deforestation, energy infrastructure, landscape changes and climate change. In 2023, the theme is "Water: Sustaining Bird Life", highlighting the vital role of water for many of these birds, especially those that congregate in wetlands.
Most of the migratory birds depend on water sources like lakes, rivers, inland and coastal wetlands, streams, and ponds throughout their life cycle. However, these resources face threats from climate change, pollution and growing human water use. To protect these birds, we must preserve and restore wetlands, regulate water quality, and implement sustainable water management practices.
World Migratory Bird Day aims to initiate discussions and enact local and national regulations to reduce the pressures faced by migratory birds.
#MissionLiFE #ChooseLiFE

Poster on “Cranes of India”

Respected Madam/Sir,
In memory of late Dr. Salim Ali (12 November 1896 - 20 June 1987), the Environmental Information Awareness Capacity Building and Livelihood Programme (EIACP) Programme Centre (PC), Resource Partner (RP) on Avian Ecology at the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS-EIACP) is releasing a poster on “Cranes of India”. This poster depicts the five beautiful species of cranes found in India.
Thanks, and regards,
Email: eiacp@bnhs.org 

Poster on “Some species of Indian birds dependent on Millet”
Respected Madam/Sir,
On the occasion of "The International Day for Biological Diversity, 22nd May 2023" and "National Level Millet Exhibition" the Environmental Information Awareness Capacity Building and Livelihood Programme (EIACP) Programme Centre (PC), Resource Partner (RP) on Avian Ecology at the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS-EIACP) is releasing a poster on "Some species of Indian birds dependent on Millet".
Thanks, and regards,
Email: eiacp@bnhs.org 

Poster on “Sunbirds and Spiderhunters of India”
Respected Madam/Sir,
The Environmental Information Awareness Capacity Building and Livelihood Programme (EIACP) Programme Centre (PC), Resource Partner (RP) on Avian Ecology at the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS-EIACP) is releasing a poster on “Sunbirds and Spiderhunters of India”.
India has reported thirteen species of sunbirds and two species of spiderhunters. These colourful beauties belong to the family Nectariniidae. The downward-curved bill is a distinguishing feature of this family. The birds depicted in the poster are all males of that species as they are typically known for their brightly coloured and iridescent feathers.  The aim of this poster is to highlight the species of sunbirds and spiderhunters found in India.
Thanks, and regards,
Email: envis@bnhs.org

Threatened Birds of Maharashtra (Critically Endangered Species)

Latest Buceros

Threatened Birds of Maharashtra (Critically Endangered Species)


Respected Sir/Madam,
On the occasion of “World Environment Day, 5 June 2021” ENVIS Resource Partner on Avian Ecology at the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS-ENVIS) has released a poster on Threatened Birds of Maharashtra (Critically Endangered Species). Maharashtra has reported 7 critically endangered species, this poster depicts their beauty.
Thanks and Regards,

Threatened Birds of Maharashtra (Endangered Species)

Latest Buceros

Threatened Birds of Maharashtra (Endangered Species)


Respected Sir/Madam,
On the occasion of “Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat Programme” ENVIS Resource Partner on Avian Ecology at the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS-ENVIS) has released a poster on Threatened Birds of Maharashtra (Endangered Species). Maharashtra has reported 9 endangered species, this poster depicts their beauty.
Thanks and Regards,

Threatened Birds of Maharashtra (Near Threatened Species)

Latest Buceros

Threatened Birds of Maharashtra (Near Threatened Species)


Respected Sir/Madam,
ENVIS Resource Partner on Avian Ecology at the Bombay Natural History Society, has released a poster on the Near Threatened Species of Maharashtra. Maharashtra has reported 29 Near Threatened bird species, this poster depicting their beauty. 
Thanks and Regards,

Threatened Birds of Madhya Pradesh (Critically Endangered Species)

Latest Buceros

Threatened Birds of Madhya Pradesh


Respected Sir/Madam,
On the occasion of International Day for Biological Diversity (May 22nd 2022), The Environmental Information System (ENVIS) Resource Partner on Avian Ecology at the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS),Mumbai, is releasing a poster on Threatened Birds of Madhya Pradesh (Critically Endangered species). 
Thanks and Regards,

Threatened Birds of Madhya Pradesh (Endangered Species)

Latest Buceros

Threatened Birds of Madhya Pradesh


Respected Sir/Madam,
On the occasion of “World Environmental Day (5th June 2022)”, the Environmental Information System Resource Partner on Avian Ecology, at the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS-ENVIS),Mumbai, is releasing a poster on Threatened Birds of Madhya Pradesh (Endangered species)
Madhya Pradesh has reported six Endangered species. This poster aims to highlight the plight of these species and grasp the attention of all age groups towards their conservation
Thanks and Regards,
Email: envis@bnhs.org

Threatened Birds of Madhya Pradesh (Vulnerable Species)

Latest Buceros

Threatened Birds of Madhya Pradesh (Vulnerable Species)


Respected Sir/Madam,
The Environmental Information System Resource Partner on Avian Ecology, at the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS-ENVIS), Mumbai, is releasing a poster on Threatened Birds of Madhya Pradesh (Vulnerable species).
Madhya Pradesh has reported ten vulnerable species. This poster aims to highlight the plight of these species and grasp the attention of all age groups towards their conservation.
Thanks and Regards,

Near Threatened Birds of Madhya Pradesh

Latest Buceros

Near Threatened Birds of Madhya Pradesh


Respected Sir/Madam,
The Environmental Information System Resource Partner on Avian Ecology, at the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS-ENVIS), Mumbai, is releasing a poster on Near Threatened Birds of Madhya Pradesh .
Madhya Pradesh has reported twenty-five Near Threatened species. This poster aims to highlight the plight of these species and grasp the attention of all age groups towards their conservation.
Thanks and Regards,

Hornbills of India

Latest Buceros

Hornbills of India


Respected Sir/Madam,
The Wildlife Week is celebrated from 2-8 October, 2021 and on this occasion ENVIS Resource Partner on Avian Ecology at the Bombay Natural History Society (ENVIS-BNHS) has released a poster on ' Hornbills of India '. This poster depicts the 9 beautiful species from the family Bucerotidae that are found in our country. These birds are critical in maintaining the ecological balance surrounding our wildlife ecosystem.
Thanks and Regards,
Email: envis@bnhs.org

Barbets of India

Latest Buceros

Barbets of India


Respected Sir/Madam,
On the occasion of “Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat Programme” ENVIS Resource Partner on Avian Ecology at the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS-ENVIS) has released a poster on 'Barbets of India'. This poster depicts the 9 species of Barbets found across different parts of India and their identification. 
Thanks and Regards,
Email: envis@bnhs.org

Vultures of India

Latest Buceros

Vultures of India


Respected Sir/Madam,
On the occasion of “World Wildlife Day (3rd March, 2022)” ENVIS Resource Partner on Avian Ecology at the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS-ENVIS) has released a poster on 'Vultures of India'. This poster depicts the nine species of Vultures reported from India and their identification features along with their IUCN RedList Status. 
Thanks and Regards,

Bustards of India

Latest Buceros

Bustards of India


Respected Sir/Madam,
The ENVIS Resource Partner on Avian Ecology at the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS-ENVIS) has released a poster on 'Bustards of India'. This poster depicts the five species of Bustards reported from India and their identification features along with their IUCN RedList Status. 
Thanks and Regards,

International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem

Latest Buceros

Bustards of India


Respected Sir/Madam,
On the occasion of ‘International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem’ on July 26, 2021, ENVIS Resource Partner on Avian Ecology at the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS-ENVIS) has released a poster.
This poster highlights the symbiotic relationship between the mangrove ecosystem and numerous floral and faunal species. It portrays the significance of this nutrient rich ecosystem and appeals to all for its conservation and preservation.
Thanks and Regards,