ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Saturday, March 29, 2025







21 March 2022


The International Day of Forests is observed every year on 21st March. On the occasion of this day dedicated to spreading awareness and appreciating our forests and associated fauna, BNHS-ENVIS organised a photography competition. The main aim of this competition was to encourage people to step out to their nearest green patch and observe the species and habitats. The competition was divided into four categories: 1) Birds in Forest Habitat, 2) Bird-Plant Relationship, 3) Birds in Urban Habitat, 4) Waterbirds and Associated Species. The competition saw a total of 123 participants from different states and union territories of India. We received a total of 784 photographs out of which the following twelve best entries divided over three in each category were selected by an expert.



The winners:


1) Birds in Forest Habitat

2) Bird-Plant Relationship

3) Birds in Urban Habitat

4) Waterbirds and Associated Species




21 March 2021


BNHS-ENVIS celebrated the International Day of Forests by organizing a Photography Competition. The theme for this year was ‘Forest restoration: a path to recovery and well-being.’ Detailed information about the competition was shared on the BNHS-ENVIS website and other social media. The competition was divided into four categories: 1) Birds in Forest Habitat; 2) Bird-Plant Relationship; 3) Birds in Urban Habitat, 4) Waterbirds and Associated Species. Participants submitted their photographs through google form. As many as 74 participants from the states & UT of Assam, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Gujarat, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal participated. They contributed more than 800 photographs. Among all, 12 best entries were selected. Certificates and prizes will be sent to the participants by courier.



The winners:


1) Birds in Forest Habitat

2) Bird-Plant Relationship

3) Birds in Urban Habitat

4) Waterbirds and Associated Species




21 March 2020


The ENVIS Resource Partner on Avian Ecology at the Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai celebrated the International Day of Forests on March 21, 2020 by organizing an online photography competition. The advertisement was posted on the BNHS-ENVIS website and other social media.The theme for this year was ‘Forests and Biodiversity’.


The photography competition was divided into four categories; waterbirds and associated species, birds in a forest habitat, bird–plant association, birds in a urban habitat. The participants sent their photographs through email as per the prescribed format. Around 88 participants from all over India participated in the competition and contributed 712 photographs. Among them, 12 best entries were selected for the given categories. Certificates and prizes will be sent to the winners through courier.


The winners:


1) Birds in Forest Habitat

2) Bird-Plant Relationship

3) Birds in Urban Habitat

4) Waterbirds and Associated Species




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