ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Sunday, February 9, 2025

Endemic Birds of Western Ghats

Endemic Birds of Western Ghats


On the occasion of Wildlife Week 2020 (October 1–7), ENVIS Resource Partner on Avian Ecology at the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS-ENVIS) is pleased to bring out a poster on the 'Endemic Birds of Western Ghats'.



India boasts of four biodiversity hotspots with many endemic bird species. Of the four, the Western Ghats holds 29 endemic birds. Some like Malabar Lark and White-cheeked Barbet seen in this poster have a distribution range beyond the region. But they find a place in this poster as they are seen predominantly in the Western Ghats.



Thank you very much to all the photographs for their valuable contribution. Following is the name of contributors. 



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Endemic Birds of Western Ghats
