ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India
Printed Date: Saturday, March 29, 2025
List Of Related Links
Links to other websites related to avian ecology
Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS)
Birds and birding in India
BirdLife International
WICE (World Institute for Conservation and Environment)
chebucto.ns - For Electronic Resources on Ornithology
delhibird - The Northern India Bird Network
Indianbirds - Journal of South Asian Orinthology (Formerly the 'Newsletter for Ornithologist')
IndianWildlifeClub.com - Conservation, birding and related resources, forums and expert data
Oriental Bird Club
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
International Crane Foundation
Surfbirds - Large database on birding websites from around the world including India
WWF India
Wildlife Institute of India
ICZN - Zoological Nomenclature Resource
Avibase the world bird database
Ornithology - The Science of Birds
African Bird Club
camacdonald.com - Birding Hotspots Around the World
camacdonald.com - Birding Hotspots of Asia
Bird Count
Birdzilla.com - Wild about wild birds!
audubon.org - Help Birds With Native Plants
Internet Bird Collection
Neotropical Bird Club
NHBS (Natural History Book Service) BookNet
Northern Prairie Science Centre
Avibase - Bird Checklists of the World: Holarctic
Avibase - Bird Checklists of the World: Palearctic
Zoonomen - Sibley and Monroe's checklist with citations
Babel Birds: translation of bird names
Bird Families of the World
Enchantedlearning - All About Birds
Thayer Birding Software
List of Bird Species of China
Sibley and Monroe Checklist 1993
Taxonomy in Flux Checklist
Surfbirds - Year and Life List Rankings
Bird names and taxonomy
Multilingual Birdsearch Engine
Zoonomen (Zoological Nomenclature Resource)
Birdseek - Watching birds
Laura Erickson's For the Birds
AVIONARY 4.0 - 48 Language Bird Dictionary of the Western and Central Palearctic Region
Bird Families of the World
Birdlife Taxonomic Checklist
IOC World Bird Names
Recommended Slovak Names of the Birds of the World
Searchable French Bird Names Database (CINFO)
Taxonomy in Flux
PDF - Standard Marathi names of birds found in Maharashtra
General Webpages
Birds of the World - Explore Biodiversity
Cybird - Your birding station in cyber space
Eremaea Birdlines
International Migratory Bird Day
Wikipedia - List of national birds
Worldwide Organizations and Information
International Ornithological
Natural Heritage sites (UNESCO)
World Conservation Monitoring Centre - Protected areas around the world
World Wildlife Fund
International Migratory Bird Day
The Fat Birder
PBS - The Life of Birds (David Attenborough)
Maryland Ornithlolgical Society
Birding Pals
menigoute-festival - The International Ornithological Film Festival
Other lists of Birdlinks
camacdonald.com - Birding Hotspots Around the World
Birding and Wild Bird Care
Electronic Resources on Ornithology
birdlink.dk - Fugle Links
ornithological portal Oiseaux.net
The Electronic Zoo
International Ornithological
Search Engines
Whatbird.com parametric visual search engine
birdlink.dk - Fugle Links